Forecasting the Real Housewives of Atlanta Drama

Sunday, November 28, 2010


I want to apologize to all our blog readers for getting my 2 cents in late. When I saw last week episode, I was like omg, did that so called lawyer say that, did Phaedra really say, "MATERNAL DEATH" is she really that stupid. How did she pass the exam to become a lawyer. Why in the hell you would want to say Maternal Death on tv about your new baby, omg, that was sooooooooooo stupid, she looked like a southern fool.

Dr. Love got busted, ok, lets see how that flies, but in my personal opinion, Sheree had to know that he wasn't all that to begin with when she told Kim that he was staying at the Holiday Inn, which in my book is expensive to me, but hey I am just a little person, in this big world. LOL,

I would like to stay at the Holiday Inn, lol, it is not too bad, enough of that.

Peter, Peter, Nene loves ya, I forecast some innocent flirting going that way, Nene already admitted that Peter, is all that and a bag of chips. Cynitha better keep her game tight, because who knows Peter may "blame it on the alcohol." lol, I am joking, lol, maybe not.

I can't wait to see what Gregg said to make Nene cry, he probably told her that he wants a divorce or he found someone else to give him what he needs which is a "Wife." Not someone who tells there business to everyone.

To keep it real there is just some things that shouldn't be said, forget the ratings, when a marriage is about to end, the entertainment, money, etc, needs to be on the back burner and the marriage and family needs to come first, but hey, I am one who is waiting for the new episode to come on.

Kim, again you are the comic relief on the show, does anyone really takes you serious.

Dwight, showed that he is not in the mix of gossip when they tried to grill him on how far long is his homegirl, I like the way he keep it real, but it did come out in the end. 40 weeks and it is time to face reality.

What I don't get is why in the world Phaedra had to lie about it, I need to google why is it sooooooo wrong for a grown ass woman to have a baby out of wed-lock, but then again with her and her "maternal death" quote, I see that she really is missing a few sandwiches out of the picnic basket.

I can't wait to see and hear what she has to say on this upcoming episode. I wonder.

Well, I am going to end now with, take care you guys and gals.

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